This is interesting-something I didn't know! But what makes me the angriest, of all the crap going on, even more than the divisive black & white lines drawn in the sand between this dumb 2-party system of ours, is how lies, vitriol, and remarks are just taken as facts. I don't understand it and it really is breaking my brain. Blatant, bold-faced lies coming out of mouths that are instantaneously proven false EASILY, are taken as facts by followers. The only way I can wrap my head around this is to see it as cult behavior. Truly. It's a symptom of a cult. How else can this phenomenon be explained? This has gone beyond politics and I'm really scared for the future of our country. When people can blindly accept non-factual information as truth, we have no way for correction or further discourse on the subject because people have ceased to listen and be objective, probing, or questioning in any way. I don't see a way to get by this. We can continue to "not talk" about politics and be neighborly till the cows come home, but it's not going to change the fact that our neighbors might be part of a cult and to me, this simmering, unspoken new normal is terrifying.
This is interesting-something I didn't know! But what makes me the angriest, of all the crap going on, even more than the divisive black & white lines drawn in the sand between this dumb 2-party system of ours, is how lies, vitriol, and remarks are just taken as facts. I don't understand it and it really is breaking my brain. Blatant, bold-faced lies coming out of mouths that are instantaneously proven false EASILY, are taken as facts by followers. The only way I can wrap my head around this is to see it as cult behavior. Truly. It's a symptom of a cult. How else can this phenomenon be explained? This has gone beyond politics and I'm really scared for the future of our country. When people can blindly accept non-factual information as truth, we have no way for correction or further discourse on the subject because people have ceased to listen and be objective, probing, or questioning in any way. I don't see a way to get by this. We can continue to "not talk" about politics and be neighborly till the cows come home, but it's not going to change the fact that our neighbors might be part of a cult and to me, this simmering, unspoken new normal is terrifying.